Rutherford and the negatively charged nucleus?!!!
It's amazing the things you can lean on a wet and windy day! I was browsing through Twitter when I came across a thread of 'things...
Lab Days 2022
The PDST are organising three lab-days for the spring (Covid allowing....) In the past these were an annual event, designed to help us...
Professional Diploma in Teaching Physics
I imagine most of those who wander into this little corner of the Internet are already physics teachers, but this might be worth passing...
Padlet for Leaving Cert Mandatory Experiments
Many of you will have sat in on the always entertaining Frontiers of Physics conference on Saturday morning and hopefully enjoyed it all...
Junior Cycle Physics Activities
I don't know of any source where I could find specific statistics on this, but it seems pretty clear from every physics teacher I've ever...
Graphs, Graphs, Graphs.....and other things too: LC Marking Scheme Review
I've just been looking over the marking scheme for the 2021 Leaving Cert Physics exam (available here), and was struck once again by how...